


Three problems we will face in the future

There are three problems we will face in the future–food shortage, population bomb and the gaps between the rich and the poor.

First, let me talk about food shortage. 

There is no sign that the decrease of human population. 

We need more and more food to feed people, however, many of us have difficulties getting sufficient amount of food today, because of climate changes, global warming, and devastated environment. 

We cannot meet the food demand even today.

Second, people live longer than ever with the development of medicine. 

The problem is that older people need more help than the youth. 

They become sick or injured more easily than youngsters and it takes longer to cure. 

At the same time, in many cases they have chronicle diseases. 

Also, in developing nations, more and more children are born. 

Population bomb is ticking now. 

Governments’ financial burdens will become heavier and heavier.

Finally, the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider. 

Some economists pointed out that 80% of human fortune all over the world is in the hand of 10 per cent of people. 

A handful of rich people spend the money poor people earn in longer than 100 years.

I am afraid that the three problems we will face in the future are lack of food, too many people, and the widen gap between the haves and the have-nots.
