


More farmers will produce fruits and vegetables without chemicals in the future.

I do not think more farmers will produce fruits and vegetables without chemicals in the future for the following three reasons; efficiency, labor and cost.

First, when we think about efficiency, we had better use chemicals. 

The pesticides we use are carefully examined by the government. 

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries publishes in its website that the chemicals approved by the government are safe as long as the farmers observe the regulations. 

The pesticides and other chemicals guarantee the amount of harvest and safety of products.

Second, the chemicals can save our labor. 

For instance, our ancestors were busy taking off weeds and preventing their crops from being infected with some diseases. 

Today, on the contrary, we should not take much time to weed out nor take care of our crops simply because the chemicals do these things. 

Thanks to the chemicals, we can efficiently produce delicious fruits and vegetables.

Finally, the costs of these chemicals are getting cheaper. 

Since the science developed greatly, they can make chemicals in great amount and inexpensive. 

The cheaper we can grow products, the cheaper we can sell them to customers.

For the reasons mentioned above, I believe that farmers will not give up using pesticides and chemicals.
