questions ③

questions ③

21. custom; what a group of people have always done (tr ) 

22. one of the hard, white things in the mouth, which bites and chew (to ) 

23. the part inside the mouth that moves when you talk, eat, lick, etc. (to ) 

24. shot, thick finger on the inside of the hand. (th ) 

25. small piece of card or paper that shows you have paid to travel on a train, bus, etc. or go to a cinema or theater (ti ) 

26. game for two or four players, with rackets and balls (te ) 

27. car, with a driver, that you can hire for short journeys (t ) 

28. instrument that you hold to talk to and listen to someone in another place (te ) 

29. very long, sharp knife for fighting (s )

21. (tradition) = 伝統
22. (tooth) = 歯
23. (tongue) = 舌
24. (thumb) = 親指
25. (ticket) = 切符
26. (tennis) = テニス
27. (taxi) = タクシー
28. (telephone) = 電話
29. (sword)= 剣
