the ability = the power to do things.
the skill = practical knowledge and power; the ability to do something well.
「技術」と訳されることの多い skill は、「実用的な知識」であり「何かを上手に成し遂げる能力」とされています。
Reading and writing are different skills.
a pilot of great skill
She has the ability to go to university, but she doesn’t want to.
quiz の答え。
11. (kangaroo) = a large Australian animal witha strong tail and back legs, that moves by jumping.
12. (laugh ) = to make the sounds and movements of your face that show you are happy or think something is funny.
to で意味が始まると動詞ということ。楽しい時、おもしろい時、声を上げ、顔の表情を変えること。
13. (Mathematics ) = you know what numbers are. You also know what meters and liters and grams are. The study of all these things is called this.
14. (Neck ) = the part of your body between the head and the shoulders
15. (Office ) = a room, set of rooms or building where people work, usually sitting at desks.