


According to sources familiar with the matter, the party filing the complaint is a privately formed amateur boxing support group with 333 members, and the letter was sent by mail to the JOC, Japan Sport Agency and Japan Sport Association among other places.

Japan Sport Agency = 日本スポーツ庁

among other places = 他の場所とともに (among other thingsで、「とりわけ」)


There are 12 specific points mentioned in the letter, such as questionable decisions by referees in official matches and lack of transparency in the financial management of the JABF’s Olympic funding.

specific = 具体的な

transparency = 透明性


The group is asking that the JABF be investigated and relevant parties penalized.

ask ~ be investigated = askを動詞とする文でthat以下ではshouldを補って考える。 

relevant = closely connected with the subject we are discussing = 関係の


