
Agree or Disagree; Internet Should Be Censored

I don’t think the Internet should be censored for the following three reasons.

First, Internet censorship will lead to dictatorship. 

Take China, for instance. 

This nation does not like her citizens to know many things about other countries in the world, nor part of her history. 

With a lot of effort, China is trying hard to keep control of the Internet. 

People in China cannot access information on democratic movements of the past, and are forced to believe the history of the communist party created.

Second, Internet censorship will prevent people from taking positions. 

People will not express their opinions until the government makes clear their positions, because if they think differently from the authorities, they will be scolded, examined or maybe punished. 

As a result, people will state their ideas at the last moment, when it is safe.

Finally, Internet censorship will cost us too much. 

In order to censor effectively, the government must develop a department, and we cannot tell how many people would be needed to staff it. 

These officials would not do anything creative, just erase what they see. 

This is a huge waste of money, time and manpower.

Abovementioned, Internet censorship will cost too much and produce almost nothing. I claim that it is unnecessary.

