先ほど見てきた、ability と skill では、「能力」と「技術」なので、全く違う言葉のようです。
ところが、実は ability も skill も ability to do things という表現が共通に含まれている類似語でした。
「技術」という言葉で思い出しましたが、technique というのもありますね。
technique = a way of doing some specialist activity or artistic work
quiz です。
16. (P ) = a tropical bird with a curbed beak. There are several types of them, most of which have bright feathers. You can teach one some words.
17. (Q ) = a wife of a king or a woman who rules a country.
18. (R ) = an animal that has long ears and a short tail. They live in holes in the ground or are kept as pets or for food.
19. (S ) = the study of nature and machines. It is the study of stars, plants, animals and everything else in nature.
20.(T ) = a printed piece of paper or card which shows that a person has paid for a journey on a bus, entrance into a cinema, etc. When you ride on a train, you buy this.