

次にあげる単語は、「英検1級 出る順パス単」からピックアップしたものです。



1.(d ) = to hate with very strong feeling.
ex. I (d ) people who deceive and tell lies.

2. (f ) = to pretend to have or be
ex. The students were bored but some tried to (f ) interest.

3. (c ) = to feel or express sympathy, sorrow, or pity for a person
ex. I (c d) with my friend after he failed his examination.

4. (m ) = to interest oneself or take action in something which is not his concern.
ex. Don’t (m ) in other people’s affairs.

5. (p ) = to read through carefully.
ex. He (p d) the newspaper looking for news of his hometown.

6. (r ) = to use the same ideas again in a new form which is not really different 
or better
ex. A politician who keeps (r ing) the same old speech is not popular.

7. (i ) = to fix ideas, principles, etc. in the mind of someone.
ex. The virtue of patience was (i d) into me at an early age.

8. (i ) = to give a feeling of strength and/or power to
ex. The early morning jog refreshed and (i d) her.

1.detect (きらう)2.feign (ふりをする)3.commiserated (あわれむ)4.meddle (干渉する)

5.perused (熟読する) 6. rehashing (作りかえる) 7. inculcated (教え込む) 

8. invigorated (元気づける) 

