
②1 Several analysts have compared Putin to a cornered rat, more dangerous now that he’s no longer in control of events.  They want to give him a safe way out of the predicament he allegedly created for himself.   Hence the almost universal scorn poured on Joe Biden for saying in Poland, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”




②2 The conventional wisdom is entirely plausible.  It has the benefit of vindicating the West’s strategy of supporting Ukraine defensively.  And it tends toward the conclusion that thebest outcome is one in which Putin finds some face-saving way out;  additional Ukrainian territory, a Ukrainian pledge of neutrality, a lifting of some of the sanctions.


②3 But what is the conventional wisdom is wrong?  What if the West is only playing into Putin’s hands once again?


②4 The possibility is suggested in a powerful reminiscence from The Times’s Carlotta Gall of her experience covering Russia’s siege of Grozny, during the first Chechen war in the mid-1990s.  In the early phases of the war, motivated Chechen fighters wiped out a Russian armored brigade, stunning Moscow.  The Russians regrouped and wiped out Gronzny from afar, using artillery and air power.


②5 Russia’s operating from the same playbook today.  When Western military analysts argue that Putin can’t win militarily in Ukraine, what they really mean is that he can’t win clean.  Since when has Putin ever played clean?



