

③ In order to get more information about language learning, scholars developed an online questions based on many people’s reactions toward English grammar. 

By answering these questions, they can see what is the target person’s native tongue, dialect and home country. 

Almost 670 thousand people answered the quiz and they collected a lot more information. 

As a result, they could make a greater date base.

This discovery presented some insights for those who wish to learn a new language. 

For instance, if you use what we call total immersion system, you can do better than doing in classroom. 

Moving to the circumstance in which the target language is spoken is the best way for adults to acquire the fluent language acquisition. 

If you cannot do this, why not try to find the way to communicate with native speakers in your place. 

Then you can reproduce the circumstances like total immersion system. 

This method will improve your speaking ability even though you cannot get the advantages of a child’s brain.

