英検1級 英作文添削(Pack Rat or Minimalist?)後編


①Second, minimalists lead an economical life. ②They need just one book case, one box of clothes, and so on. ③They don’t pay much money to buy unnecessary things. ④How to keep their place neat and clean is their main concern and cleaning doesn’t require much time and energy. ⑤Look at pack rats put things here and there all the time.

この場合には、「しまり屋さんは経済的」ということですが、当然、economical lives になると思います。


③「・・・にお金を使う」は、spend money on (名詞)となります。

④how to keep their places neat and clean は、動名詞にした方が英文を読んだとき、意味がとりやすい。

⑤これは少し難しいのですが、知っていると便利な表現にclutter ということばがあります。
a lot of things in an untidy state, especially things that are not necessary or are not being used. 
そこで、in a clutter という熟語を使っておきましょう。
Second, minimalists lead economical lives. They need just one book case, one box of clothes, and so on. They don’t spend much money on unnecessary things. Keeping their places neat and clean is their main concern, and cleaning doesn’t require much time and energy. Pack rats live in a clutter. 


①Finally, minimalists can afford to think of a variety of things, while pack rats always worry about money and space. ②(まMinimalists, as they lead a peaceful life without worrying about their space, can achieve their dream. ③On the other hand, pack rats always think about other things, because their lives are tied up with a lot of unnecessary things.

また、worry はto feel 
anxious or troubled about problems.であるのに対し、concern はregard it as important to do something ですから、たぶんこちらの方がよりふさわしいでしょう。

②は、they lead のあとは、これまた複数形。a peaceful life をかえます。
their space にはわざわざtheir をつけなくてもいいでしょう。
これは「空間の広さ」についてですから。最後のdream は複数形に。

③think about other things よりも的確なことばがあります。
preoccupied です。

Finally, minimalists can afford to think of a variety of things, while pack rats are always concerned about money and space. Minimalists, as they lead peaceful lives without worrying about space, can achieve their dreams. On the other hand, pack rats are always preoccupied, because their lives are tied to so many unnecessary things.


Well, I wish I had been a minimalist, and could have led a simple life.



