
foliage = the leaves of a tree or plant; leaves and branches together
(1本あるいは多くの木全体の)葉(leaves)He painted a figure dressed in foliage, associated with festivities celebrating the arrival of spring. (彼は春の到来を祝う催しを連想させる緑の葉をまとっている人物を描いた)

acclaim = v. to praise or welcome somebody or something publicly n. praise and approval for something, especially an artistic achievement (動詞;拍手喝さいして賞賛する・名詞;拍手喝采、賞賛) He was acclaimed as the best writer of the year.(彼は、その年の最高の作家として賞賛された)He won acclaim for his first published short story. (初めて出版した短編で賞賛を得た)
ac-(・・に)+claim (大声をあげる)

debacle = an event or a situation that is a complete failure and causes embarrassment (大失敗)

demeanor = the way that somebody looks or behaves (物腰、態度、ふるまい); He maintained a professional demeanor throughout. (彼は一貫してプロとしての態度を崩さなかった)

impediment = something that delays or stops the progress of something; obstacle; a physical problem that makes it difficult to speak normally(障害、妨害、身体障害、特に言語障害)Poverty is the greatest impediment of the development of the country. (貧困はこの国の開発の最大の障害である)

mentor = an experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience over a period of time (助言者、良き指導者) He has been my friend and mentor for over 20 years. (彼は20年にわたって私の友人であり、助言者であった)

alleviate = to make something less severe (軽減する、緩和する)A number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem. (問題を緩和するために、多くの方法がとられた)
