北海道地震①インターネットでよく見かける、The Guardian 誌のJapan earthquake; death toll rises in Hokkaido の記事からです。「日本の地震;北海道で死亡者の数、ふえる」Dozens missing after tourist hotspot hit by landslides during Thursday’s 6.7-magni…
questions ③21. custom; what a group of people have always done (tr ) 22. one of the hard, white things in the mouth, which bites and chew (to ) 23. the part inside the mouth that moves when you talk, …
questions ②11. musical instrument with strings (vi ) 12. thin covering that a woman puts over her head or face (v ) 13. pretty pot for holding flowers (v ) 14. draw a line under a word, sentence, etc….
questions ①おなじみ英英辞典のクイズです。Questions1.big, wild animal like a horse with stripes. (z )2. musical instrument that you hit with small wooden hammers. (xy )3. wild animal like a big dog, which hunts and k…
人類が将来直面する問題こちらも、割とよく、関連問題集に登場する英作文のテーマです。人類の直面する3つの問題Three problems we will face in the futureThere are three problems we will face in the future–food shortage, population bomb and the gaps betw…
紙の辞典か、電子辞書か英検準1級に出題されそうなトピックです。いままでに、他の級でも、似たようなエッセイが出題されています。とりあえず、Electronic dictionaries are more useful in studying than printed dictionaries. というタイトルで書いてみました。Electronic dictionaries are more usef…