なぜ子供は簡単に外国語を身に着けるのか③③ In order to get more information about language learning, scholars developed an online questions based on many people’s reactions toward English grammar. By answering these quest…
なぜ子供は簡単に外国語を身に着けるのか② Children may be better learner of a new language than adults for several reasons. Kids’ brains are more flexible and can adapt and respond new information. “Every kind of learning…
なぜこともは簡単に外国語を身に着けるのか?Why kids learn languages more easily than you do① It’s tough to learn foreign languages at any age. In fact, the longer you wait, the harder it becomes. Now a new study points out…
Disapprearing Japanese TraditionRecently, I have come across an interesting article about our tradition written by an American.Let me tell you the outline of the article.This is about the gorgeous pic…