今回のエッセイの構造は、序論―本論(理由1)―本論(理由2)―結論 という流れになっています。いよいよ結論、最終段落です。①For these reasons, I prefer traditional reading style, even though I recognize that it is more convenient to read e-books than old ones. ②…
Which do you prefer, paper or e-books? の第2回目です。今回は第3段落から。①Second, ordinary paper books may become something to remember may past days. ②A lot of people who love books can remember their past looking a…
生徒さんから提出いただいた英文エッセイの添削です。タイトルはWhich do you prefer, paper or e-books?段落ごとで見ていきましょう。まず、第1段落です。Electric book readers, such as the Kindle or i-Pad have been changing our reading style, dramatically, howev…
I am against accepting immigrant in Japan because of the following three reasons.First, cultural diversity destroys tradition. If we have more and more immigrants in Japan, we have a lot of internatio…
Japan Should Welcome ImmigrationConsidering today’s condition in Japan, I think we should open our door and accept more foreigners, for the following three reasons.First, I’d like to discuss labor sho…
Cats make better pets than dogsI think that cats make better pets than dogs for the following three reasons.First, cats are quiet. We often hear of people complaining about dogs’ barking. They have a …
生徒さんに書いていただいた英検1級予想問題の英作文ですが、ほとんど直すところはありませんでした。すっきりしたよい文章だと思います。Are we overloaded with information?I think that we are overloaded with information. It is difficult for a person to understand an issue…