TIMEの4月16日号のちょっと驚きの記事がこちら。Until recently James was posting her stories online for free, and she really acknowledges that they are heavily based on another person’s work. (最近まで、ジェームズは彼女の作品を無料でオンラインにアップ…
foliage = the leaves of a tree or plant; leaves and branches together(1本あるいは多くの木全体の)葉(leaves)He painted a figure dressed in foliage, associated with festivities celebrating the arrival of spring. (彼は春…
エブリでは、実際に用いられている英文を使って、全訳していただくレッスンを行っていますが、生徒さんを悩ませる文章を取り上げて、何が問題なのか、考えていきたいと思います。One year after northeastern Japan was battered by a 9.0-Magnitude earthquake and 130-ft.(40m) tsunami waves, coastal …