単語が分かれば英語はわかるか?③When he subsequently attempted to infect the other plant in each pair, those with mycorrhizae were far more likely to resist the blight,「次に彼がそれぞれのペアのもうひとつの方に(べと病を)感染させてみたとき、菌根ネットワークにつな…
単語が分かれば英語はわかるか?②それでは、すこしずつ読んでいきましょう。When he subsequently attempted to infect the other plant in each pairまず、ここまで。subsequently は「つぎに」くらい。infect は「感染させる」 。the other plant in each pair というのは、「それぞれのペアの残って…
Does the government spend taxpayers’ money wisely?I believe the government spends taxpayers’ money wisely for the following two reasons; welfare system and protection of disasters.First, let me point …
子供の耳をダメにするのはイアパッド?Will earbuds ruin my child’s hearing? Researchers say that 20% of children have permanent hearing loss because they were exposed to loud noise. The Hearing Health Foundation reported…