シャーロック・ホームズのすすめわたしは、コナン・ドイルの生み出した名探偵、シャーロック・ホームズのファンでもあります。ときどき英文のホームズ全集を手に取るのですが、ある物語にこんな一節がみられます。朝、親友のワトソンが寝ていると、ホームズが次のように声をかけます。“Very sorry to knock you up, Watson,” said he, “bu…
The Heat Island Effectのレッスン Nowadays, in the city areas, the degree of how hot or cold is going up too much. If we look at in the countryside, it is rather low. Take an example of Tokyo. Throughout t…
A young man was sitting in a priority seat. An old woman came into the car. The writer thought that the young boy should give his seat to the old woman.Then did he give it to her?No, he didn’t.T…
Hi.This is a story. One man was riding a train. How often do you ride a train? Everyday?Well, I also come to school by train.Last Sunday, I got on a train to go to a department store.Do you know what …